BBBC Topic #2 - Being Positive

Today's BBBC challenge is to write about three positive things going on in your Second Life.  Well, now, that is a challenge.  I'm fairly curmudgeonly by nature, so this is going to take some effort.

Positive thing #1:  Operation Squeegee.  I am very excited to get to take part in Operation Squeegee.  One of the hardest things about disasters like the BP oil spill is that there is so little that one person can do about it.  But, if each person does their little bit, together we can all make a difference.  So, having the opportunity to take part in this worthy cause is something that means a lot to me.


Positive thing #2:  Ok, curmudgeonly Isa is already having trouble with this challenge.  I'm sitting here thinking, "Well, I have friends in SL and they're a positive part of my SLife, and I really like my little shop, as lame as it is, and um, I like making stuff and blogging stuff" and all I can think is, "OMG! that all sounds so dorky, goofy, sappy.  Barf!"  So, yeah, I guess positive thing number 2 is all this sappy stuff.   It's all positive.  *barf*

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow

Positive thing #3.  Bite me!  I'm not going to even attempt a 3rd positive thing.  My mind just doesn't work like that.  All of you fluffy, butterfly, sunshine, happy, woo hoo type people with your high 5s and your squeals of joy can have your positive stuff.  I'm going to stick with my curmudgeonly ways.  You can't change me!  *shakes fist*

Skin:  Launa Fauna - {Lapine, Pale 1}[Eve]
Eyeshadow:  Moonshadow - 2.0 Face Tattoos - Shadowy
Hair:  Ploom - Kewpie - Coal
Dress:  A Netherworld - Layered Dolly Dress
Collar:  Dreams - Skull Buckle Collar
Shoes:  Animas Designs - Lady Biker Boot
Location:  Macbeth
Poses by Everglow


Maybe your curmudgeonly nature is one of the positive things in your life!


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