For some reason, I have an obsession with eyebrows. It is a RL obsession that sends me searching for the best eyebrow tools and experimenting with different eyebrow shapes. I sometimes watch those makeover shows to see the difference that just a good plucking can make.
I think eyebrows are just as important in SL to an avatar's appearance. I first realized this when helping my sister find a look when she was a noobie. She had some awful high arched eyebrows that made her look a bit....frightening. Just a different bald base fixed everything, making her the beauty that she is now.
It is important to experiment with different eyebrow looks, which are often found on the bald base that hair designers hand out when you buy hair. You are not required to wear a particular bald base under hair. They are interchangeable. So, once you find one with the right eyebrow shape for your face, it might be a good idea to rename it to something memorable (like "Awesome eyebrows") and keep it in a handy folder.
Different eyebrows work with different shapes, and there is no eyebrow shape that will work with everyone. A pointy brow, for instance, might look striking when paired with rounded features, but might be too severe for an angular face. Here are some examples of eyebrows and how they work for my face. I think it's interesting how a simple changing of the brow can completely change a face's character.
Like many newbies, my first brow experience came from Alady. As you can see, the brow shape is very rounded, but the color is meant for a blond. The shape is nice, but the color is off. So, I had to keep searching.
Diversity is a common first stop for those new to SL because of their very generous newbie voucher. The eyebrow shape on their bald base is in stark contrast to Alady's. It is rather high and pointy, but also blond. It kind of gives me a wide awake look, but I worry about looking a bit mean. Still not quite the right shape for me, but notice just how different the character of my face looks with only a change of brow!
The beautiful Sirena, with her fantastic blog and lovely scripted hair, has a shop that I also highly recommend. Her eyebrows, though, I found didn't really do justice to my face. Also made for blonds, I thought they made me look a bit sad. Perhaps if I'm feeling a bit blue, they will be the perfect look to complete a skin with runny mascara.
Some of the most beautiful hair I have seen in SL comes from Calico Ingman Creations. The eyebrows have an unusual shape - perhaps a bit quizzical. Another blond shade, they also are not quite right for my face shape.
It wasn't until I discovered Frick that I finally found the right eyebrows for my face shape. I am absolutely enthralled with their skins (and am wearing one of the "Retro Betty" skins in the photos here). Their skins come with two different eyebrow shapes, one rounded, one arched. Both are tinted darker to go with my dark hair. The rounded one gives me a lovely calm look - perhaps a bit dreamy.
The arched brow is a more retro look reminiscent of the 50s pin-ups. It is a look I love. So far, this is the look I'm going with. Of course, brow shape is a matter of personal taste. But just remember, it is an important consideration, and sometimes just a brow can make all the difference in the world. That, and, of course a beautiful singing voice....
"I dreamed a dream in time gone by...."
*hair from Exile :-)
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